On Netflix, there is a movie with Kurt Russell as Santa Claus. So I watched it (with the kids of course), but it had a slightly different twist on how Santa is able to get to ALL the kids of the world in one night. “The Christmas Chronicles” movie used a time machine gimmick to slowww time down to get the presents delivered. And THAT got me thinking… How can we slow down and enjoy this season? Option 1: Study the Department of Motor Vehicles, libraries and school detention to find out how they have mastered the art of making time drag on and on. Option 2: Tap into Einstein's theory of relativity to change how we perceive time and simplify our focus on the best parts of this Christmas. Ahaaa! Courtesy of LiveScience.com, the theory of relativity.... " The theory is deceptively simple. First, there is no "absolute" frame of reference. Every time you measure an object's velocity, or its momentum, or how it experiences time, it's alwa